Our staff is excited you want to attend FCA Camps! FCA Scholarship Funds are limited and vary in each district. We encourage you to apply early. If you need a scholarship, submit this form in its entirety.
Scholarships are based on:
1) The total amount of funds available in your FCA Area;
2) The total number of student-athletes and coaches applying for scholarships in your FCA Area. Preference for scholarships go to applicants who have not received a scholarship in the past. A deposit is required and we encourage applicants to try to raise those funds.
We encourage you to contact your church, local civic clubs or businesses you have connections at to help with your camp deposit or to match your scholarship request. You can also hold fundraisers with your teammates (car wash, weightlifting marathon).
Special Notes:
•All scholarship funds will be paid by your local FCA directly to the specific FCA Camp on behalf of the camper. Applicants/campers do not receive checks from FCA.
• Visit each camp for details on costs and cancellation/refund policies on FCA Camps.
• After the corresponding scholarship (i.e. $100 off or half-off) is applied by your FCA Staff, the camp balance will be due at time of the online registration at www.midatlanticfcacamps.org.